
Food, Faith and Family

As a mother of five incredible kids, I have come to realize that my life revolves around food, faith, and family.

5:00 a.m. the clock sounds it’s alarm!  Another day has already begun.  I will admit that it takes me atleast 15 minutes just to get out of bed. My husband will tell you that somedays it takes me closer to 30 minutes!  I use to feel guilty for this, but then I realized why it takes me this long.  I lay there awake in the stillness and my mind is able to sort out the day before me.  During this quiet time alone I can ponder the struggles of my children, within myself, and others that I love.  Occassionally ideas brighten my mind with solutions, other times I am left comforted that everything will turn out.

Now that my day is planned, ideas turning quickly, it is time to get going!  Better write down those great ideas and thoughts on my trusty dry erase board on the side of my refrigerator!  I love these handy little things!  What an invention!  Continuing on my early mornings with either exercise or scripture reading.  By 6:00 a.m. I’m already in the kitchen stirring up breakfast for the family.  6:30 is already here, better make sure the kids are waking up!  I love the greeting I receive every morning by my kids!  As I gently wake them and they begin to stir from their sleep I hear a soft, tired voice ask “what’s for breakfast”?

The kitchen table is the center of our home!  This has become a place for our family to gather morning and night for a home cooked meal, prayer, scripture reading and laughter.  There is never a dull moment around here!  My youngest, he’s 6, is my pickiest eater!  If you ask him what he’d like for dinner his reply has been “anything but chicken!”   He is known to stab at his dinner plate caustiously before trying anything, then he looks up at me and asks “is there any dessert?”  Most nights I nod my head “yes” and he gets a sly smile on his face!

Welcome to my kitchen!


  1. I was wondering if you have ever frozen your tortilla’s? And if so, how did it work out? Love the blog! Hope everything is going well!

    • If I were to freeze them, I would place wax paper in between each tortilla then place in a freezer bag. Then to reheat, I would warm them in a fry pan. We eat them to quickly to freeze! It is good to hear from you.

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